venerdì 13 giugno 2014

ven 13 e sab 14. Towards a Biennale Urbana 2016

Towards a Biennale Urbana 2016
Un progetto della Stalker Walking School con ETH Zurich 
E On/Laguna e Whoami
Summer School
Venezia, 8-15 giugno 2014

Nell'ambito di "The School of Tomorrow" presso Il padiglione della Svizzera, 
 14' Mostra Internazionale di Architettura, Venezia 2014.

Invita presso Spiazzi, Venezia

Venerdì 13 giugno 
Alle 21.00 

Conferenza di Pelin Tan
Transversal Dictionary

Spatial practices in conflicted urban spaces instigated society to invent a new collettive dictionary not only for the constrained environment of the recent socio-political and economic crisis, but also to rebuild a collective consciousness that can refer to our communal co-existence. In this context, it is urgent that curatorial practices need to be altered from their institutional structure with certain representation formats. The production of curatorial formats is not only about searching for representation, which is somewhere in the imagination of the horizon, but also is about transversing practices and knowledge production according our collective everyday life actions.

Pelin Tan, trained in sociology and art history, is a researcher, writer and an associated professor and vice dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Mardin Artuklu University.


Sabato 14 giugno

Alle 21.00
Conferenza di Suad Amiry 
 RIWAQ: center for Architectural Conservation in West Bank Palestine

Suad Amiry is a Writer and an Architect (born in Damascus 1951). Suad Amiry is a prominent Palestinian figure: an architect a writer and a community leader. Amiry is professor of architecture and the founder of the leading cultural organization RIWAQ: center for Architectural Conservation ( She is the author of the prize-winning book: “Sharon and My Mother-in-Law" (Feltrinelli 2003, Premio Viareggio 2004). Amiry is the Vice President of Birzeit
University Board of Trustees, Board of Trustees for the Palestine Investment Fund, and the Palestine Housing Council, Jury for The Palestine Award for Culture (headed by the late Mahmoud Darwiesh). Amiry was also a Member of the Palestinian-Israeli Washington Peace Talks (1991-1993).


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